
In order define the input data for a test method you have to put <param> tags into the <method> tags.

As you can see in the example parameters can be defined in a <param> tag. This tag has two attributes:

  • name

    A name for the parameter. You can access the parameter in your code with this name.
  • type

    The data type of the parameter (e.g. "String", "int" etc.).

The content of the <param> tag is the value of the parameter. See Use in JUnit to learn how to access the parameters in your test code.

<method name="method name">
    <param_name="variable_name" type="variable_type">variable_value</param>
    //.. other parameters

Paramaters can be grouped in <paramgroup> tags.

<method name="method name">
    <paramgroup name="group name>
      <param_name="variable_name" type="variable_type">variable_value</param>
      //.. other <paramgroup> or <param> tags here
    //.. other <paramgroup> or <param> tags here

This feature is helpful in the case that you need a lot of test data that has a hierarchy.

Complex data types like java.util.Hashtable can be used:

<method name="method name">
    <param_type="java.util.Hashtable" key-type="java.lang.String">
      <param_name="Test1" type="java.util.Hashtable" key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="java.lang.String">
    <param_name="k1" type="java.lang.String">value1</param>
    <param_name="k2" type="java.lang.Integer">42</param>

See the data type section for more information about valid data types.